Internship Week 7



"Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change."

         Today I reached the St. Mary's Higher Secondary school at 8:50 am. I signed My attendance. Today I bad class in 8F at 3rd period. I entered the class and stauts the class with a silent prayer. I asks some questions to check the previous knowledge of the students. Today we discussed about the topic From a Single Cell and also the Stem Cells. The students are curious to the study topic because the cell is the building blocks of Organisms. The class was handled in a interactive session. The students are Cooperated very well. After that I met my concerned teacher to sign my record and to tell about the Progress in the class.
       Afternoon, last period I get a chanc in class 9.0. Today I discussed about the topic Absorption of simple nutrients Bens in different method. method. I used a special experimental method. 5E method). Different experiments are done in class that make a clear understanding  of bad the topic. After that I had duty infront of main gate. Later I signed my attendance and returned.

Day- 27


"Change your life today Don't gample on the future, act now, wouthebt delay"

      Today I reached st Mary's HSS pattom at 8:43 am. I signed my attendance and prepared for class. Today I have class in 90 during 9.30 am to 10:15 am. To day I entered the class and Starts the class with a simt prayer. I ask some questions to related to previous knowledge. Today I discussed about the topic Food in Large intestine. The class was an active class. The students are Cooperated well. We discussed about the importance of bealthy diet and fibre Auch food. The students Cooperated and they got Abe clear idea about the topic After that our Concerned optional teacher Shiney maa'm visited our school. and also the general teacher Ancy. As. We take Photo with them.

      After that, the school time end I have line duty in between main gate and bus shed. Later I Signed my attendance and returned home.

Day- 28


" Don't rush anything when the time is right, it will happen".

Today I reached St. Mary's H-S-S pattom on time. I signed my attendance and do it my work. I met my Concerned teaching faculty Biju philip sir to showing the question paper. Sin approved the questions. And the 4th period I got class in 90. in ther IT Theory period. I take a new chapter simple Nutrients into cells. The class was handled in different way. And discussed about the Components of blood.

In the afternoon. 6th period I had class in 8F. I entered the class and start the class with a silent prayer. and also asked more questions to recall their knowledge. Today I discussed about 'Animal Tissue' used chouts and laptop to Convey the Concept. And also provided Some Homeworks related to the topic Animal tissue. Later the end of school time. I had duty infront of Cardinal cleemis block. After that I signed my attendance and returned home.






"Without rain, nothing grows, Learn to embrace the Storms in your life."

Today I reached school on time. I signed my attendance and do it my works. Today I don't have class So I done my works. In the break time 1 enter into 8f and Collect the notebooks for Correction. And in the afternoon session the National Talent Search Exam Conducted in the Mini auditorium. On that time I had duty. kas an invigilator.

Later the end of school time had time duty infront of Cardinal •Clemis block. After that I signed my attendence and returned.

Day- 30


"If you want to Achieve Success, Stop asking for permission."

Today I reached Paltom St. Mary's on time. I signed my attendance and done my work. ·Today Forst period I had class in 9.0. I Conduct achievement test on that Period. 35 Students are present in that day. I provided question paper for each students. They all attend the examination. They ask doubts. questions. After that 10:20 am. I Collect all the answer papers. 

In the afternoon session will be no regular class there due to the as PTA meeting. Later done my works and Corrected the answer paper. After the school time. I have line duty infront of gate 13. Later I signed my and returned home. attendance

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