Internship Week 8


"Working for success will make you a master: But Working for Satisfaction will make you Legand "

Today I reached St. Mary's Hiss Pattom on 8:40 am. I signed my attendence and met my Concern ed teacher to sign my record and also to discuss about the teaching Progress. Today I had class in 3rd period 8F. I entered the class and starts the class with a silent Prayer and asks some questions to check the previous knowledge of the students. Today I discussed about the topic Meristematic Tissues'. with the help of chart, activity card ICT, etc. Students are cooperated well. and I provide some home works Later, the last period I got a period I discussed about the New chapter Simple nutrients into cells. The stud ents are cauious to know about what is happening. After that School) teme over. I had lone duty. Infront of bas shed. Later I signed my attendence and returned.


"Not all Storms come to disrupt your life; Some Come to clear your Path."

Today I reached St. Mary's H-S-S pattom on time. I signed my attendence and doit my work. Today I had class in 90 during) the time 9.30 to 10:15 am. My opte) onal teacher. Shiney Jacob Visited our school and. I had observation. I take the Food in the small Intestine' topic. The students gåves quick cresponses when asked questi The different strategies helpful Jons. me to Convey the Concept. And the Summarising portion done in a Game mode that make the students attraction in class. Later I my Provide some home works to my nts. Stude After School tome I had line duty in Maingate Later I signed my attendance and returned.


"One Small positive thought in the Morning can change your whole Day."

Today I reached St. Mary's H-s-s pattom on 8:30 am. I signed my attendance and do it my! Today I had Vegetable cutting duty I done it with my friends. Today. 4th period I had class in go. I enter! ed the class and starts the class with a silent Prayer. I asks Some questions to check the previous know ledge of the students. Today I discussed about the Structure of Heart. I drawn the structure on black board with the help of ICT, and black board I taken the class Very effectively. Students understand the Concept clearly. Later 6th period I had class in 8F. I entered the class and asked some questions to 
Students. Later I discussed about a new topic 'plant tissues' peoples au Curious to identify the ports of plant Later, School time end, I signed my attendance and I had line duty infront of Cardinal cleemis block Later I meturned Home.




"Push yourself because, No one else is going to do it for you."

Today I reached School on time. I signed my wox attend. ance and do it I had no entered my work. Today regular class. so I my friends class to observe their teaching. That was very good. Today I bad exam duty. Talent Search exam) I done it. Later. 6th period I got substitution in TH. I entered the class and discussed Somethings, and went to classroom. Later school tome over, I signed mys attendance. Today I had Line duty infront of Cardinal cleemis block. Later I retuned home.


"focus On the possibilities for success, not on the potential for failure. "

Today I reached School at 8:40 am. I signed my attendance and prepared for the class. Today I had class in go during st period. I entered the class, and starts with a silent prayer. Today discussed about the working of Heart and also Blood vessels. Very cuell. They are co-operated I used ICT video and Power point. That gains the students) Mind and it help to easily deliver the Concept. I repeated again (the working of Heart. Later. I had substitution in 8E. I take the class effectively and that help me to know more peoples After School time I bad line duty infront of gate 13 Later I segned my Attendance and returned home.

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