Internship Week - 9


"The distance. between dreams and دو reality is called ACTION."

Today I reached Mary's Hiss pattom on St. 8:35am I signed my attendance and do it my works. Today I had "Vegetable cutting duty. I done it. Later god period I had class in En 8F. 1 entered the class discussed about the remaining portions are hade to Complete. And I assigned Some Homeworks.

In the afternoon I had Food Distribution duty. I done it. Later 4th period I got a class. in 90. 1 destacbuted the answer sheets of Achievement test and discussed the answers. And their difficult topics are explained. And ask some queste ons related to the topic to check the understanding level of the students.Later, I give instructions to study and After school time. I signed my attendance and done my duty ( line duty ) and returned.


"you have to be able to get up and dust yourself off and always be going forward ""

Today I reached st Mary's Higher Secondary school on time. I signed my attendance. I some works... Today first period I had class in ath o. I did diagnostic Test. The stadents are written the exam. With a Confidence. Later I discussed the answers also.

Today I got Substitution class in 9c. I entered the class with a Smiling face and Speak with the students. I encouraged the students And I given a task to all are Complete the answer. They Participated. Later the end of school time I signed my attendance. I had duty on evening. infront of main gate . Later I returned home.


"Life comes from the earth and
returns to the earth."

Today I reached St. Mary's Higher Secondary school on 8:40 am. I signed my attendance and Later I met my Concerned teaching Faculties to give the evaluation sheet and today. I had no my regular class. So I done works.

Today I had Vegetable cutting duty I and my other friends are I go to the bichen and do it our work. Today 4th period I got class in 90. I entered the class and take a remedial Lesson. They got a clear idea about the topics. Later I entered to 8A to observe the class. After that the end of school time. I Signed my attendence and done my I duty infront of cardinal cleemis block. Later I returned to home.


"The art of life is to know how to enjoy a little and to endure very much."

Today I reached st. May's HSS. Pattom on time. I done my attende Ince register and do it my works. To day I doesnot have the regular class. I done my works and met Try Concerned teachers to so take the in marksheet. I done all my work and Later the school-time end I got the ansovers and. I met my teachers. Today I had line duty. in the evening Later the end of school terme I returned home.


"Life is filled with difficult decisions and winners are those who make them.

Today is the Final Day of St. Mary's H.S.S. Pattoro It is the the to say bye bye. With the lots of anxiety and the pain about the end of teaching phase. I provided sweet to the Students and blessed them for their Futcue. ale met principal and Head Master on god people, and They asked about the experience about the School, and fast we take a small Photo with them, This is the
end of another session.

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